
The technology behind the Lender To Vendor platform is powered by Synergistic Software and SharperLending Technologies.

Lender To Vendor is the future of loan ordering and servicing today. Its smart design bundles necessary mortgage services flawlessly, handles multiple borrowers, multiple services and service ordering, reduces workload, and makes your transition to the service so smooth it’s like nothing changed.

The technology behind Lender To Vendor is a web-based, thin client ActiveX Control application that runs in a web browser, and is installed automatically upon successful login. The installation takes only a second or two, and once it’s completed, Lender To Vendor is flexible enough to communicate with vendors in any of the following methods: through a system-to-system environment with XML and XSL transforms; via File Transfer Protocol (FTP); or even simply through email. Our innovations accommodate nearly every vendor that offers mortgage-related services in the country, and our research and development staff invents new and ground-breaking technology daily. The Lender To Vendor data centers are powered by Dell™ rack-mounted servers featuring Windows 2003™ with Internet Information Services and Microsoft™ SQL Data servers. These data centers are serviced with multiple T1 internet connections and backup power that includes battery and diesel generator power.